Convert TSVs into Flamdex Shards for Imhotep on the Command Line

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A typical Imhotep cluster will process incoming TSV uploads with a cron job that runs the TsvConverter Java class. This utility scans a given directory location (which can be local, S3, or HDFS) for new TSV uploads and attempts to convert them.

The output of the converter are Flamdex shards. Flamdex is the optimized inverted index format included with Imhotep. Jeff Plaisance spoke about Flamdex and its vectorized varint decoding scheme in his IndeedEng talk on Imhotep.

If you wish to do manual conversion of a TSV, you can use the same utility and a temporary directory structure. Here’s how.

Install Java

If you don’t already have Java installed, install the JDK from Oracle. These instructions have been tested with Java version 1.8.0_102, but should also work on Java 1.7.

Install TSV Converter

mkdir imhotepTsvConverter
cd imhotepTsvConverter
wget -O imhotepTsvConverter.tar.gz
tar xzf imhotepTsvConverter.tar.gz
ln -s $PWD/tsv-builder-* shardBuilder
mkdir conf
mkdir logs
curl > conf/log4j.xml
sed -i "s#/opt/imhotepTsvConverter#$PWD#" conf/log4j.xml

Create a Temporary Directory Structure Containing your TSV

This example shows creating a structure for importing into a dataset called nasa. A single day of TSV data for this dataset is placed into the directory structure for processing.

d=`mktemp -d -p .`
echo "Temp directory: $d"
mkdir -p $d/tsv/incoming $d/tsv/success $d/tsv/failed $d/index $d/build
mkdir $d/tsv/incoming/nasa
curl > $d/tsv/incoming/nasa/nasa_19950801.tsv

Run the Converter

export CLASSPATH="./shardBuilder/lib/*:./conf:"$CLASSPATH
java -Dlog4j.configuration=conf/log4j.xml com.indeed.imhotep.builder.tsv.TsvConverter --index-loc $d/tsv/incoming --success-loc $d/tsv/success --failure-loc $d/tsv/failed --data-loc $d/index --build-loc $d/build

For the nasa example above, you should see the following lines in your output:

INFO  [EasyIndexBuilderFromTSV] Reading TSV data from file:/.../imhotepTsvConverter/tmp.Njxp9K81x0/tsv/incoming/nasa/nasa_19950801.tsv
INFO  [EasyIndexBuilderFromTSV] Scanning the file to detect int fields
INFO  [EasyIndexBuilderFromTSV] Int fields detected: bytes,response,time
INFO  [EasyIndexBuilder] Creating index...
INFO  [EasyIndexBuilder] Calling builder loop...
INFO  [EasyIndexBuilderFromTSV] Reading TSV data from file:/.../imhotepTsvConverter/tmp.Njxp9K81x0/tsv/incoming/nasa/nasa_19950801.tsv
INFO  [EasyIndexBuilder] Wrote 30969 Documents
INFO  [EasyIndexBuilder] finalizing index
INFO  [SimpleFlamdexWriter] merging 4 readers with a total of 30969 docs
INFO  [EasyIndexBuilder] done
INFO  [TsvConverter] Progress: 100%

You can also review the log of the run in the logs/shardBuilder.log file.

Check the Results

If your build was successful, you will have a new dataset shard directory (Flamdex format) for the import. Here’s what it looks like for the NASA example:

$ ls $d/index/nasa/

$ ls $d/index/nasa/index19950801.00-19950802.00.20171006095305/
fld-allbit.strdocs    fld-host.strterms     fld-referer.strindex     fld-url.strdocs
fld-allbit.strindex   fld-logname.strdocs   fld-referer.strterms     fld-url.strindex
fld-allbit.strterms   fld-logname.strindex  fld-response.intdocs     fld-url.strterms
fld-bytes.intdocs     fld-logname.strterms  fld-response.intindex64  fld-useragent.strdocs
fld-bytes.intindex64  fld-method.strdocs    fld-response.intterms    fld-useragent.strindex
fld-bytes.intterms    fld-method.strindex   fld-unixtime.intdocs     fld-useragent.strterms
fld-host.strdocs      fld-method.strterms   fld-unixtime.intindex64  metadata.txt
fld-host.strindex     fld-referer.strdocs   fld-unixtime.intterms

Package and Deploy

Current there is no command-line utility to package the contents built by TsvConverter into the compressed sqar file format. You have two options:

Option 1: Build directly into HDFS or S3

If the --data-loc parameter in the converter command line above starts with hdfs: or s3n: (deploying to HDFS or S3, respectively), the TsvConverter will compress into a sqar file and upload directly. This is the recommended option.

In order to do this, you’ll need a core-site.xml file that is configured for either HDFS or S3. In a typical Imhotep frontend server (as configured by the CloudFormation scripts, for example), you can find this file in /opt/imhotepTsvConverter/conf/. Place this file in the conf/ subdirectory you created in previous steps.

For example:

java -Dlog4j.configuration=conf/log4j.xml com.indeed.imhotep.builder.tsv.TsvConverter --index-loc $d/tsv/incoming --success-loc $d/tsv/success --failure-loc $d/tsv/failed --data-loc s3n://YOUR_DATA_BUCKET_NAME/ --build-loc $d/build

Option 2: Compress into sqar file manually

  1. Create a file called

     import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
     import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
     import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
     import org.apache.hadoop.fs.RawLocalFileSystem;
     import com.indeed.imhotep.archive.SquallArchiveWriter;
     import com.indeed.imhotep.archive.compression.SquallArchiveCompressor;
     public class SquarCommandLine {
         public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
             Configuration hdfsConf = new Configuration();
             final FileSystem fs = new RawLocalFileSystem();
             final File shardDir = new File(args[0]);
             final Path outPath = new Path(args[1] + "/" + shardDir.getParentFile().getName() + "/" + shardDir.getName() + ".sqar");
             final SquallArchiveWriter writer =
                   new SquallArchiveWriter(fs, outPath, true,
             System.out.println("Wrote " + outPath);
  2. Compile this file:

     javac -cp ./shardBuilder/lib/*:./conf:$CLASSPATH -d .
  3. Run the newly compiled program, passing the path to shard directory and a top-level directory where you want the compressed version written. For the NASA example above:

     java -Dlog4j.configuration=conf/log4j.xml  -cp .:./shardBuilder/lib/*:./conf:$CLASSPATH SqarCommandLine $d/index/nasa/index19950801.00-19950802.00.20171006095305 staging/
  4. The results will be written in the directory you specify, e.g. in this example:

     $ find staging/
  5. You can then upload the .sqar shard directory to the appropriate directory in your Imhotep cluster (S3 bucket or HDFS directory) and the Imhotep daemons will pick it up.