ImhotepDaemon Setup
Launch a new EC2 instance:
In the Choose an Amazon Machine Image step, select the latest Amazon Linux AMI (HVM), SSD Volume Type.
In the Choose an Instance Type step, select a type with at least 15GB of RAM and SSD instance storage from the r3, r4, m3, m4, c3, or c4 families. A good starting point is r3.large.
In the Configure Instance Details step, select the same subnet you selected for Zookeeper.
In the Add Storage step, click Add New Volume and select Instance Store 0 from the dropdown. This will be the attached SSD that the ImhotepDaemon uses to store and access the downloaded data shards.
In the Add Tags step, set the Name tag to “ImhotepDaemon.”
In the Create Security Group step, select the “default” security group and the ssh security group you created previously (“Imhotep SSH Access Security”).
Review your choices and click the Launch button.
Select the Key Pair you created earlier and finish creating the launch configuration.
Connect to instance using ssh: in the EC2 dashboard, select the instance and click Connect to see instructions for connecting. You will need to use the key pair you created earlier.
In the ssh console:
Become root:
sudo su -
Update the system:
yum update -y
Format and mount /var/data on the SSD you attached for local Imhotep storage by running the following commands:
mkfs.ext4 -N 1000000 -m 1 -O dir_index,extent,sparse_super /dev/xvdb mkdir /var/data mount -t ext4 /dev/xvdb /var/data
Confirm that /var/data is properly configured by running lsblk. You should see output like this:
[root@ip-***-**-**-** ~]# lsblk NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT xvda 202:0 0 8G 0 disk └─xvda1 202:1 0 8G 0 part / xvdb 202:16 0 30G 0 disk /var/data
Create directories and configure permissions:
mkdir /opt/imhotep mkdir /var/data/indexes mkdir /var/data/imhotep mkdir /var/data/imhotep/logs mkdir /var/data/imhotep/tmp chmod a+rw /var/data/imhotep chmod a+rw /var/data/indexes chmod a+rw /var/data/imhotep/logs chmod a+rw /var/data/imhotep/tmp
Create an imhotep user:
useradd -r imhotep
Install Java 7: instructions
Install and configure supervisor
easy_install supervisor mkdir -p /opt/supervisor chmod a+rw /opt/supervisor curl > /etc/supervisord.conf curl > /opt/supervisor/imhotep.conf curl > /etc/rc.d/init.d/supervisor chmod a+x /etc/rc.d/init.d/supervisor chkconfig --level 345 supervisor on
Set up imhotep data directories
mkdir -p /var/data/indexes /var/data/imhotep/logs chown -R imhotep.imhotep /var/data/
Mount a tmpfs partition
mkdir -p /var/tempFS chown imhotep /var/tempFS chgrp imhotep /var/tempFS mount -t tmpfs -o size=10g tmpfs /var/tempFS
Configure logging
curl > /opt/imhotep/log4j.xml
Configure kernel settings
echo 80 > /proc/sys/vm/dirty_ratio echo 80 > /proc/sys/vm/dirty_background_ratio echo 36000 > /proc/sys/vm/dirty_expire_centisecs
Download Imhotep server build. Note that there may be a more recent version available, check here.
wget -O /tmp/imhotep-server-1.0.11-SNAPSHOT-complete.tar.gz
Install Imhotep server build:
mkdir -p /var/data/imhotep/source/target cp /tmp/imhotep*.tar.gz /var/data/imhotep/source/target cd /opt/imhotep tar xzf /var/data/imhotep/source/target/imhotep-server*.tar.gz ln -s /opt/imhotep/imhotep-server-* /opt/imhotep/imhotep-server
Extract and install native libraries:
mkdir -p /opt/imhotep/lib cd /opt/imhotep/lib rm -rf native jar xvf /opt/imhotep/imhotep-server-*/lib/imhotep-server-*.jar native/Linux-amd64/ jar xvf /opt/imhotep/imhotep-server-*/lib/util-mmap-*.jar native/Linux-amd64/ ln -s /opt/imhotep/lib/native/Linux-amd64/* /usr/lib/ ln -s /opt/imhotep/lib/native/Linux-amd64/* /usr/lib/ ln -s /opt/imhotep/lib/native/Linux-amd64/* /usr/lib/
Create /opt/imhotep/imhotep-caching.yaml (user imhotep, group imhotep) using the template below. Set s3-bucket to the name of the data bucket you created earlier. Set s3-key and s3-secret to the access key id and secret you created before.
--- - type: S3 order: 2 mountpoint: / s3-bucket: DATA_BUCKET_NAME_HERE s3-key: S3_KEY_HERE s3-secret: S3_SECRET_HERE - type: SQAR_AUTOMOUNTING order: 4 mountpoint: / - type: CACHED order: 6 mountpoint: / cache-dir: /var/data/file_cache cacheSizeMB: 32000
Create /opt/imhotep/ (owner imhotep, group imhotep, mode 0755) using the template below. Set MAX_HEAP to the size in GB of memory allocated to the ImhotepDaemon. A good guideline for MAX_HEAP is to leave between 10GB and 20% of instance memory free. (Examples: r3.large 5, r3.xlarge 20, r3.2xlarge 50.) Set ZOOKEEPER_HOST to the address (Private IP or Private DNS) of the Zookeeper instance you configured earlier.
#!/bin/bash export CLASSPATH="/opt/imhotep:/opt/imhotep/imhotep-server/lib/*:"$CLASSPATH MAX_HEAP_GB=YOUR_MAX_HEAP_HERE (5 for r3.large) ZOOKEEPER_HOST=ZOOKEEPER_IP_HERE java -Xmx"$MAX_HEAP_GB"G -Dlog4j.configuration=file:///opt/imhotep/log4j.xml -Dcom.indeed.flamdex.simple.useNative=true -Dcom.indeed.flamdex.simple.useSSSE3=true com.indeed.imhotep.service.ImhotepDaemon /var/data/indexes /var/tempFS --port 12345 --memory $((MAX_HEAP_GB * 1024 - 512)) --zknodes $ZOOKEEPER_HOST:2181 --zkpath /imhotep/daemons --lazyLoadProps /opt/imhotep/imhotep-caching.yaml
Start supervisor
service supervisor start
Next Step: Set up ImhotepFrontend